According to the World Health Organization, “Health is more than the absence of disease. Health is a state of optimal well-being.” We all once believed that the body maintains a consistent state of health without any help and that it only requires attention when one gets “sick.” We now know, though, that the concept of good health goes far beyond the curing of illness to one of achieving wellness. Our behavior and the choices we make affect our health.

Lifestyle, good nutrition, exercise, and mental stimulation are all vital to maintaining optimum health and Dr. Willard’s Water® can play a key role in this process.


There are several health benefits of alkaline water:

One of the immediate benefits of drinking Dr. Willard’s Water® is improved nutrient assimilation. Because the Water has been made more active by the addition of our patented micelle catalyst, digestion becomes more complete allowing more of the nutrients in our food to be absorbed by our digestive systems. Dr. Willard’s Water® is not a nutrient, but a vehicle by which nutrients are carried throughout the body’s cells, and by which waste is carried away from the cells with water as a means of transportation.

Dr. Willard’s Water® seems to break down food particles better than ordinary water, therefore greater amounts of vitamins, minerals and nutrients become available to our systems. Studies have found evidence that Dr. Willard’s Water® aids in the digestion of crude proteins by breaking them down into their component amino acids and that carbohydrates and fats are also more efficiently digested when using Dr. Willard’s Water®.

Another health benefit of alkaline water- Dr. Willard’s Water® is its detoxifying effect on our bodies. In the same way that the Water helps the body deliver more nutrients to the cells, it also more efficiently removes toxins from the body which in turn allows more room for vitamins and other nutrients.

Finally, drinking Dr. Willard’s Water® has shown in studies to serve as an antioxidant and a free radical scavenger. Many scientists believe that free radicals, highly reactive toxic compounds, are responsible for most of the degenerative disease associated with old age and stressful lifestyles. By reducing these free radicals, Dr. Willard’s Water® clearly would have a positive effect on one’s overall health.



alkaline water can neutralize the acidity of the body caused by stress, modern diet, air pollution, and many bottled drinks of water.A higher pH in the body reduces the need for fat and cholesterol to protect the body from damaging acids.

  • Restores the pH balance in the body.
  • Provides superior hydration and nutrition at the cellular level.
  • Detoxifies cells more efficiently than standard drinking water.
  • Improves the body’s absorption of essential nutrients

Foods are substantially made of water, so they also have a pH that can be measured. Because the human body is mostly liquid, it also has a pH, which is usually measured through blood. Advocates of alkaline water believe that proper health starts with an optimum acid-alkaline balance in the body. These advocates claim that a body with a high acid content, a pH of less than 7, will experience a number of adverse reactions. For example, they believe the body will go to such great lengths to maintain a blood pH of 7.365 that it will even create stress on other tissues, body systems, and organs to do so. Chronic acidity can, accordingly, interrupt all cellular activities and functions. They also believe that drinking alkaline water is the best way to ensure maximum bodily hydration.

Many of the purported benefits of drinking alkaline waters mirror what studies have shown Willard Water does when entering the body.


  • Increasing Intracellular Hydration
  • Replenishing Essential Minerals
  • Stabilizing and Protecting Cells
  • Works to improve the elimination of toxins and wastes, by enhancing Free Radicals flushing out and Preventing Wastes from Accumulating in Cells
  • It also causes the cells to better absorb and utilize antioxidant solutions thus increasing their overall effectiveness.

One liter of concentrate Dr. Willard water makes up approximately 130 liters of diluted alkaline water pH range 9.8-10.


We’re very happy to roll out yet another scientific study that outlines the amazing benefits of drinking Willard Water® daily.  This latest study, conducted by Dr. Hildegarde Stannifer and entitled “An Examination of Willard Water’s Impact on Vitamin Efficacy,” conclusively shows that drinking Willard Water® significantly improves the absorption rates of multiple vitamin supplements including Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin B6 and Health Benefits of Alkaline Water- Willard’s Water.

The three-month study sought to measure the impact of both Willard Water® ULTIMATE and Willard Water® CLEAR on the absorption rates of various vitamins in human subjects and also sought to determine whether there is a measurable difference between Willard Water’s effects on fat-soluble vs. water soluble vitamins.  Subjects underwent initial tests to determine the current absorption rates of vitamins in their bodies and then were instructed to drink Willard Water® for a period of thirty days.  After a month of drinking Willard Water®, the study participants were again tested and vitamin content was measured.  According to Dr. Staninger, “Willard Water® significantly improved the efficacy of multiple vitamin absorption rates.  All study participants showed significant improvement by drinking Willard Water® over the 30 day period.”

Dr. Staninger observed that Willard Water® was effective in increasing absorption rates of fat-soluble vitamins such as Vitamins E and K.  However, Staninger also found it to be far more effective on water-soluble vitamins such as those in the B complex group.  “…the collective specimen pool of individuals showed the significant improvement due to Willard Water’s micelle reactive properties, which allows molecules to become smaller and more effective in the reaction with other molecules opposing charges,”  Staninger continued.  “It was also observed that the vitamins that were “hydrogen” reactive reacted significantly better with Willard Water®.”

We’re very pleased to see this study continues a long line of evidence validating the remarkable absorption effects drinking Willard Water® has on our bodies.  Nutrients and vitamins that are ingested but not fully absorbed are of no nutritional value and scientists have only recently begun to fully understand the importance of maximizing bioavailability in our bodies.  Studies like this show that Willard Water® can play a key role in expanding bioavailability and ensuring that our bodies derive the maximum benefits of the food we eat and the supplements we take and health Benefits of Alkaline Water- Willard’s Water.

We’re continually amazed by Dr. Willard’s wonderful invention and we hope you are too!


Dr. Willard`s mineral-rich Alkaline water is negatively charged and it enhances the effectiveness of the antioxidants we intake to reduce cellular and DNA damage caused by free radicals, delivers nutrients and oxygen to the cells more efficiently, absorb everything better, nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and amongst several other benefits including proper hydration, detoxification, and balance in your body’s pH levels. Drinking Dr Willard`s alkaline water on a regular basis can ultimately contribute to overall Homeostasis (optimum wellbeing), weight loss and anti-aging.
Most of us are high in acid. This makes a perfect breeding ground for cancer and other degenerative diseases. Most of us have very acidic diet, therefore, degenerative diseases are on the rise.

A long-term acid diet creates an acidic environment at the cellular level in your body. If cells cannot function properly, your body cannot function properly. The result of an acid system includes; inflammation, circulation problems, heart troubles, fatigue, and low energy, acid reflux, premature aging, stiff joints, memory loss, lack of sex drive, constipation, bloating, breathing difficulties, skin problems and an environment where serious, life-threatening illnesses environment can thrive.
On the other hand, a healthy alkaline diet creates an environment that is conducive to cellular level health, which results in total well been.

Dr Willard`s Alkaline water Improves the body’s absorption of essential nutrients, Improves body function by cleaning your cells from the inside out. Using Dr. Willard`s water with a high pH level 9.8-10.3 (Diluted solution) improves the taste of beverages and food. Improves your immune system function to help you fight diseases.  Cooking with Dr. Willard`s alkaline water improves the taste and quality of foods.

Advocates of alkaline water believe that proper health starts with an optimum acid-alkaline balance in the body.  These advocates claim that a body with a high acid content, a pH of less than 7, will experience a number of adverse reactions.  For example, they believe the body will go to such great lengths to maintain a blood pH of 7.365 that it will even create stress on other tissues, body systems, and organs to do so. Chronic acidity can, accordingly, interrupt all cellular activities and functions.

Health Benefits of Alkaline Water- Willard’s Water and They also believe that drinking alkaline water is the best way to ensure maximum bodily hydration. Alkaline water can neutralize the acidity of the body caused by stress, modern diet, air pollution, and many bottled drinks of water. A higher pH in the body reduces the need for fat and cholesterol to protect the body from damaging acids. Many of the purported benefits of drinking alkaline waters mirror what studies have shown Willard Water does when entering the body.